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How much will I earn with Google Adsense?

How much will I earn with Google Adsense?

If you are here thinking that you can put together a website, put some Google Ads, sit back and earn millions of dollars, then you can end reading this article at this point. If on the other hand, you are willing to invest time and effort to create a website with valuable content, then perhaps this article will be of interest to you. I have been using Google Adsense on my website for close to 8 years now and having been earning some money with Adsense. Many readers ask me how much can I earn with Adsense. The truth is there is no right answer, it depends on a few factors and using some sample numbers, I will attempt to tell you how much you could earn.

I started using Adsense back in about 2004 not sure how much I would earn, if I would earn anything at all. I had very little traffic but enough to bring in some amount of money every month to continue using it and explore ways to bring in more revenue. There are essentially 3 factors that determine how much you would earn. Lets look at what the factors are


Based on these above factors, here is what your potential earnings could be if you have 1000 page views a day. The 1st row is for the amount of money you would earn/click while the 1st column indicates the ad click-through percentage.

  5c 10c 25c 50c $1.00 $2.00 $3.00
.5% 25c 50c $1.25 $2.50 $5.00 $10.00 $15.00
1% 50c $1.0 $2.50 $5.00 $10.00 $20.00 $30.00
1.5% 75c $1.50 $3.75 $7.50 $15.00 $30.00 $45.00
2.0% $1.00 $2.00 $5.00 $10.00 $20.00 $40.00 $60.00
3.0% $1.50 $3.00 $7.50 $15.00 $30.00 $60.00 $90.00

If you have 1000 page views with a 1% click through rate and earning 50c/click then you could earn about $5.00/day but the same 1000 page views with a 3% click through rate and $3.00/click could earn you $90.00. If you have a 10,000 page view site, you could earn either $50.00/day or $900.00 for the above two situation. How much you earn will depend your site. Most sites will probably fall in the section marked Green in the table above.

Google Adsense is not a get-rick-quick scheme where you can put up a website and suddenly have money pouring in. It takes a lot of effort to keep your website current, grow traffic and drive higher click through rates. Over the 8 years, I have been able to increase my traffic and my earnings but it takes a lot of time, effort and dedication. The good newsis that you can take a vacation and your earnings will still continue to come in.  It has helped me remain motivated to improve the content on my website and help drive traffic. One thing I have learnt is the my earnings from Google are relatively consistent unless one of the parameter changes. If nothing much changes in terms of traffic or ad tuning then my earnings are fairly consistent month to month.

Hopefully this article gives you some insight what you could potentially earn. Good luck and I do hope Adsense helps you achieve your dreams.


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