Delta Airlines Logo - Design and History
Delta Air Lines, is a major United States airline headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia that operates an expansive domestic and international network, spanning North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East and the Caribbean. In terms of passengers carried (approximately 119 million in 2005),Delta is the second-largest airline in the world (behind American Airlines). The current Delta Airlines logo is a comprises of two 3-dimensional triangles representing a larger triangle with the world DELTA next to it. The logo's origins can be traced back to 1959 logo which was the first time, the design was introduced. The logo (also called the widget) was inspired by the swept-wing design of the DC-8 airplanes. The red, white and blue represented the colors of the American flag. The logo has undergone some changes over the years with the the logo being placed sideways, made softer etc, but the current logo is probably the most significant change with the introduction of the solid red color. The 3-dimensional red widget logo reflects Delta's successful transformation into a highly-differentiated, customer-focused airline |
KFC Logos - Design and History
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KFC, also known as Kentucky Fried Chicken, is a chain of fast food restaurants based in Louisville, Kentucky, known mainly for its fried chicken. Since 2002 KFC has been a wholly owned subsidiary of Yum! Brands, Inc.The company was founded by Colonel Harland Sanders in 1952, with the abbreviated form of its name adopted in 1991. The colonel has always been a part of the KFC logo. In the early years, you can see him to have a more serious face but over time, you can see that his face has become more friendly. Also, the red color in the logo has given the logo a more bold and lively look. In April 2007, KFC unveiled their current logo in which the Colonel shed his white suit jacket for a red cook's apron. The new logo includes bolder colors and a more well-defined visage of the late Kentucky Fried Chicken founder, who will keep his classic black bow tie, glasses and goatee. The logo is changing for only the fourth time in 50 years, and for the first time in nearly a decade. The smiling Colonel is featured against a red background that matches his red apron, with the KFC brand name in black thick lettering under his chin. |
A&W Logos - Design and History
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A&W Restaurants, Inc. is a chain of fast-food restaurants, distinguished by their draft root beer and root beer floats. It is a fast food franchise company in the United States and in many other locations around the world, serving a typical fast food menu of hamburgers and french fries, as well as hot dogs. A number of its outlets are drive-in restaurants with carhops. The company name was taken from the last name initials of partners Roy Allen and Frank Wright. A&W began in 1919 in Lodi, California, when Roy Allen took on partnership with Frank Wright to help him with the root beer business he had started in 1919. They branded their product A&W Root Beer after their last names. |
The logo is a fairly simple logo with the letter A&W written on an orange and brown oval background. The letters A&W are taken from the last name of the founds Roy Allen and Frank Wright. I suppose the colors probably represent the color of root beer, but I am not sure of that claim. The logo has undergone many changes since its inception and the section below documents the history of those changes. For the most part, the logo has remained the same (the A&W theme being central to the logo)
Adobe Systems Logo - Design and History
Adobe Systems Incorporated is an American computer software company headquartered in San Jose, California, USA. Adobe was founded in December 1982 by John Warnock and Charles Geschke, who established the company after leaving Xerox PARC in order to develop and sell the PostScript page description language. In 1985, Apple Computer licensed PostScript for use in its LaserWriter printers, which helped spark the desktop publishing revolution. The company name Adobe comes from Adobe Creek, which ran behind the house of one of the company's founders
Wikipedia Logo - Design and History

Wikipedia is a multilingual, web-based, encyclopedia project operated by the not-for-profit Wikimedia Foundation. Many language versions of Wikipedia are free content, while others, such as the English version, include non-free material. As of September 2007, Wikipedia had approximately 8.29 million articles in 253 languages, comprising a combined total of over 1.41 billion words for all Wikipedias. The English Wikipedia edition passed the 2,000,000 article mark on September 9, 2007, and as of November 3, 2007 it had over 2,075,000 articles consisting of over 902,000,000 words. Wikipedia's articles have been written collaboratively by volunteers around the world and the vast majority of them can be edited by anyone with access to the Internet. Steadily rising in popularity since its inception, it currently ranks among the top ten most-visited websites worldwide.
The logo is one of my favorite logos. It captures the essence of what the site stands for in my mind. The logo was selected as part of an international logo design contest. The logo is a jigsaw puzzle in the shape of the globe with the alphabets in many languages written all over the globe. .
Tux - The Linux Penguin Logo - Design and History

Anyway familiar with Linux has seen its logo, Tux the penguin, but I am not sure how many of you knew his name or how he originated. In 1996 when the OS was picking up steam, there was a suggestion to design a logo for the Linux operating system. Many designers came up with the logos, some being parodies of other Unix flavors while others were based on animals such the shark and eagle. Linus Torvalds, mentioned that he was rather fond of penguins and then the entire focus shifted to building a penguin based logo. In one of his emails, Linux gave his thoughts on how the penguin should look like and Tux was born out of that ideas.
Why was he called Tux. There are a couple of theories here.
- The first was (T)orvalds (U)ni(X) which resulted in TUX
- The other reason was that penguins look like they are wearing a Tuxedo.
Some of the other names included Homer (from the Simpsons) and Linnie.
Read more: Tux - The Linux Penguin Logo - Design and History
Pro Bowl Logos Article Count: 2
Cricket Logos Article Count: 3
Cricket is a popular sport in the Commonwealth countries and fans in countries like India are very passionate about the sport. This section of the website will attempt to document and describe the design and origins of cricket logos. If you have any additional information about cricket logos, please send me the information.
Internet Company Logos Article Count: 5
The end of the last century resulted in a lot of Internet companies (also called dot-com companies) coming up in the limelight and today are very serious business. Companies such as, and EBay come to mind. This section highlights the discusses the origins of these logos. If you have any information about the history of some these logos, please contact me.
Open Source Logos Article Count: 2
The Open Source movement has really moved along in the last decade and a lot of products, software etc are now part of our everyday life. I think there is hardly a day when I don't find myself Wikipedia. This section discusses the origin of logos of some of the Open Source tools and technologies. If you have a recommendation for a logo, please send me a note.
MLB Logos Article Count: 3
This category of the website contains the design and history of Major League Baseball (MLB) logos. MLB is the biggest baseball league in the United States. If you have any information about the history of some these logos, please contact me.
Sports Logos Article Count: 7
This category of the site discusses the design and origins of some of the famous logos. Some of the logos are discussed in specialized categories on this site. If you have any information about the history of some these logos, please contact me.
Political Logos Article Count: 1
Political Parties have very interesting logos and backgrounds behind them. This category of the History of Logos section discusses the history, design and origins of political logos. If you have any information about the history of some these logos, please contact me.
Medical Logos Article Count: 2
Olympics Logos Article Count: 5
The Olympics are considered to be the greatest sports show on earth held once every 4 years. This section of the website uncovers the design and history of some of Olympic logos.
Organization Logos Article Count: 1
Basketball Logos Article Count: 2
Coffee Logos Article Count: 3
Museum Logos Article Count: 1
Corporate Logos Article Count: 1
This category contains information about the design and history of large corporations around the globe. Most of the large corporations will typically be Fortune 500 companies and whose logos did not fit into any one of the other categories defined on this site.
Consumer Brand Logos Article Count: 2
The Logo Graveyard Article Count: 2
Companies, brand and logos are born everyday but every so often, very famous logos and brands die for various reasons. In 2008 and 2009, with the global economic turmoil, many long standing companies met their end and with them died their logos. Many times, companies change their logos to re-brand their product. This category lists some of the popular logos that met their end.
Retail Logos Article Count: 3
Movie Studio Logos Article Count: 1
Technology Logos Article Count: 10
Technology is at the heart of everything we do. In today's environment, some of the emerging technologies have their own logo which typically has a deeper history and meaning behind it. This section of the website tries to discover the meaning behind these logos. If you have any information about the history of some airline logos, please contact me.
NFL Logos Article Count: 21
NFL is arguably the most popular sport in the United States. Each team has a rich history behind its logo especially some of the old teams. This section of the site tries to document the origins of the logos such as the Chicago Bears Logo, the Pittsburgh Steelers Logo and the SuperBowl Logos etc. I hope you find this category of the site useful. If you have any information about the history of some these logos, please contact me.
Logo Parodies Article Count: 79
Companies come up with great logos, but there is always someone out there who can make fun of it. While I love figuring out the history of these logos, I also love the logo parodies. This section of the website looks at some parodies of famous company logos. A lot of creative people have come up with parodies of some of the famous companies and this category of the site is a collection of those parody logos. I don't claim ownership of creating these logos. I just collected these from the Net and hopefully you will find this collection useful. Please let me know if you have any more such parodies and I will add them to the collection. If you think that this is your copyright, I will gladly remove it from my site or provide a reference. Enjoy! |
Worlds Best Brands and Logos Article Count: 26
What makes a brand great? There is no easy answer for it. However, companies around the world spend millions and millions of dollars every year trying to get to the top or retain their position in the branding race. Although, I do not work in advertising and marketing, I have been very fascinated by the design of corporate logos and while some are just plain and boring, some have a very long history behind the logo. This section of the website attempts to document the history of some of the world's most recognized brands. You can select from one of the categories below.
According a 2007 Business Week survey, the top 10 brands are listed below
1. Coca-Cola
2. Microsoft
3. IBM
4. General Electric (GE)
5. Nokia
6. Toyota
7. Intel
8. McDonalds
9. Disney
10. Mercedes-Benz
Please visit the main History of Logos page to see the history of over 150 logos.
Miscellaneous Logos - Design and History Article Count: 9
The logos listed here are ones that I have been unable to categorize but found them to be interesting nonetheless. Eventually these logos will get a category. If you have any information about the history of some these logos, please contact me.
NBA Logos - Design and History Article Count: 33
I am big sports fan. Its not like I remember every sports stat or remember every game, but I do like to watch sports on the TV and the NBA is one of my favourite league to watch. This section of the website contains the design and history of the NBA teams such as the Lakers, Spurs, Pistons and all the NBA teams. The fabled Jerry West, otherwise known as "Mr.Clutch," is the player in profile on the official NBA logo. As his biography on points out, "West is widely regarded as one of the greatest guards in the history of the game. Not especially gifted by height or athleticism, he was a notoriously driven player who broke his nose nine times and often had to be carried off the court. " I hope you find this section of the site entertaining. If you have some information about NBA logos you would like to share, please send the information. Some of the information and logos were used from Chris Cramer's Sport Logo page. |
Beer Logos Article Count: 1
Bere is argaubly one of teh msot poupular alocoholic bevreages on the palnet. All aruond teh wolrd, teh bgi and smlal bere manuafcturers aer competing to build the brands in the market place. This section of the website aims to describe the history and meaning behind some of the most popular beer logos in the world. I may not have the history and meaning behind all the logos, but I will be attempting to researching and adding that information in on a regular basis.
Restaurant Logos Article Count: 7
People love to eat out these days. Have you ever looked at a restaurant logo and wondered about that logos origins. If you have not, maybe its time you did. This category contains the design and history of restaurant logos. If you would like me to include a logo, please send me a note.
Bank Logos Article Count: 1
Cable and TV Logos Article Count: 1
Clothing Logos Article Count: 2
Clothing brands are a status symbol today. Most clothing companies such as Gap, Calvin Klein etc make the most of putting their logos on any clothing item that they make. Think of all the free advertising you are doing for them. This section describes the origins of some of the popular clothing logos. If you have any information about the history of some these logos, please contact me.
Rock Band Logos Article Count: 1
India Logos Article Count: 10
Football Logos Article Count: 8
Football is by far the most popular sport in the world, except in the United States where they refer to football as Soccer. People around the world are passionate not only about their own countries, they are at times more passionate about their local clubs. Some football clubs such as Manchester United, Real Madrid, Liverpool, Arsenal and their players are household names around the world. This category of the website lists the logos of some of the popular Football logos from various leagues around the world including the American version of Football, the NFL. If you have any information about the history of some these logos, please contact me.
Major League Soccer - MLS
National Football League - NFL
Non Profit Organization Logos Article Count: 4
A lot of the non-profit organizations have some very interesting logos. This category of the website will examine the history, orgins and design of some of the famous non-profit organizations such as Green Peace, Austism Speaks etc. If you have any information about the history of some these logos, please contact me.
Information Technology (IT) Logos - Design and History Article Count: 5
I work as a Software Engineer and so obviously IT logos are part of my everyday job. The history behind some of the logos is very rich and interesting like the IBM logo which has gone through changes over the years before settling down on the current logo. The design of the Sun Microsystems logo is something I find very simple, yet brilliant. This section of the websites covers the design and history of some of the most recognized logos in the IT industry. I hope you find this section useful.
Travel Logos Article Count: 42
Hotel Logos Article Count: 2
This section contains details of the design and history of some of the popular hotel logos. If you have any information about the history of some these logos, please contact me.
Airport Logos Article Count: 1
More and more airports around the world are rebranding and positioning themselves as businesses or corporations. This section contains details of the design and history of some of the popular airport logos. If you have any information about the history of some these logos, please contact me.
Online Travel Agency Logos Article Count: 1
Car Rental Company Logos Article Count: 1
Car Logos - Design and History Article Count: 28
Most people are fascinated by fast moving cars and want to own these cars. This section of the website covers the design and history of some of the most famous car logos such as the Ferrari Logo, the Lamborghini logo and the common logos such as the Toyota Logo and the Ford logo. I hope you find this section of the website informative. If you have a recommendation for a logo, please send me a note.Â
Airline Logos Article Count: 8
There are over 1500 airlines in the world today and while its hard to list the history of each airlines, I will attempt to uncover the history and meaning of some of the most well known airlines in the world in this section of the history of logos. I do not wish to make this section into a laundry list of logos with no information. I hope to have articles here that have some real content. If you have any information about the history of some airline logos, please contact me.
Monument Logos Article Count: 1
A lot of monuments and other tourist attractions have become mini corporations and have their own logos. This category on my site aims to discuss the design of these logos. If you have any information about the history of some these logos, please contact me.